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  1. #1
    UgrasalMr Guest

    Những game tốt nhất và tệ nhất để tăng gamescore của bạn!!!

    Sau đây là danh sách em sưu tầm đc gồm những game tốt nhất và tệ nhất để boost gamescore cho tk xbox360 của bạn. Ở đây em ko có ý muốn ta chơi nhưng game "SHIT" chỉ để lấy gamescore, mà những game "ko đến nỗi" và có achievement tương đối ko quá tầm tay:

    ##Những game tốt nhất (game ko dở và achievement khá dễ):
    Avatar: TLA: Five minutes for 1000 points.
    Bionicle Heroes: Fun and easy 800+.
    BioShock: One of the best games of 2007. Easy 700+ points for playing through once.
    Bourne Conspiracy: Short game, easy points.
    Bully: SE: Easy 1000.
    College Hoops 2k6: Easy 800+.
    Dead Rising: Mostly easy and very fun.
    DiRT: 700+ easy points just for finishing the career mode.
    Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Earning all 1250 points isn’t all that hard, but it takes a while to do it.
    Enchanted Arms: You get all of them for playing through the game once.
    FIFA Street 3: Very easy 1000+ with the DLC.
    Fight Night Round 3: Very, very easy to earn all 1000. Just play single-player.
    Forza 2: Time consuming, buy easy 1000.
    Fuzion Frenzy 2: Very easy to get most of them in an afternoon.
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Very easy. Just play through the game for 700+.
    Jumper: Griffin’s Story: Easy and quick 500+.
    King Kong: You get all 1000 just by playing through the game.
    LEGO Indiana Jones: Easy 1000.
    Lego Star Wars II: You earn most of them by playing through the game normally.
    LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga: Fairly easy 1000, but it takes a while to get them.
    Lost: Via Domus: Very easy 1000.
    Madden NFL 06: Very easy to get all 1000 in an afternoon. It takes a while to sim 30 years of franchise, though.
    Madden NFL 07: Not as stupid-easy as Madden 06, but you can simulate games and earn most of the achievements.
    Madden NFL 08: Very easy 1000. Sim through games to get them fast.
    NBA 2K6: Insanely easy to earn all 1000. Lower the difficulty and extend the time to a full 48 minutes and you can get them all in one game.
    NBA Live 06: Pretty easy.
    NBA Street Homecourt: Crazy easy.
    NCAA March Madness 07: Set the clock to a full 40 minutes, put the difficulty as low as it goes, and score, steal, rebound, and all of that good stuff as much as possible to earn some easy achievements.
    Need for Speed Most Wanted: You earn all 1000 by simply playing through the game.
    NHL 2k6: Easy 700+.
    Open Season: Easy 1000.
    Phantasy Star Universe: Very easy as all of them are earned through playing the single player.
    Prey: You get 600+ points just playing through the story missions, and since you can never die it is insanely easy.
    Scene It: LCA: Easy. And FUN!
    Spider-Man: Friend or Foe: Very easy 925 on one play through. The last 75 take a bit more work.
    Surf’s Up: Easy 950.
    TMNT: Extremely easy 1000.
    Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland: Easy 800+ for THPS vets.
    Viva Pinata Party AnimalsCrazy easy.
    Viva Pinata: Very, very easy. It takes a while, but the game is so addictive you'll keep playing till you get all 1000.
    WWE Smackdown 2008: Very easy. Find a guide for easy “Manager of the Year”.
    X-Men 3: Play through the game to earn them all.
    NBA 2K9: Use the sliders.
    Madden NFL 09: Easy 1000.
    LEGO Batman: Easy 1000.
    Fracture: Quick and fairly easy 600+.
    Rapala Fishing Frenzy 2009: Easy 500-1000 if you can stand the bad game.
    The Force Unleashed: Easy 600+.
    Mercenaries 2: Easy 600+.
    Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise: Long but fairly easy 1000.
    Civilization Revolution: Easy and very, very fun.
    The Bourne Conspiracy: Easy 700+. Fun game.
    Fable 2: easy 900+ with DLC

    ##Những game tệ nhất để lấy gamescore (những game chưa chắc dở, nhưng ko đáng để bạn bỏ công mà gỡ achievement [IMG]emoj/fb-big-smile.png[/IMG] ) :
    Army of Two: Bad game. Finding co-op partners is a pain.
    Battlefield 2: Modern Combat: Weighted heavily towards multiplayer.
    BlackSite Area 51: Awful game. Don’t bother.
    Blazing Angels: Earned by playing through the game, but it isn’t all that fun.
    Blue Dragon: The game is great, but it takes a long long time to earn the points.
    Bomberman: Act Zero: Horrible game.
    Burnout Revenge: Can be very time consuming.
    Call of Duty 2: The majority of achievements are earned on higher difficulty levels. Fun game, but not good for easy points.
    Chromehounds: Very time consuming. Online community is dwindling so earning online points is hard.
    Culdcept Saga: Great game, but very time consuming and difficult achievements.
    Dead or Alive 4: Fun game, but you’ll likely get frustrated long before you get even half. Weighted heavily towards online multiplayer.
    Dead or Alive Xtreme 2: Very, very, very time consuming. It will take you months to get them all. Not worth it.
    Def Jam ICON: You'll get bored of the junky gameplay after only earning a couple of achievements. Not worth it.
    Dynasty Warriors: Gundam: Fun game, but it'll take a long time to get them all.
    Earth Defense Force 2017: Fun game, but can be difficult. Achievements are tied to beating the game on different difficulty levels, which is a royal, time consuming, pain.
    F.E.A.R.: Weighted heavily towards multiplayer. Single-player tasks are very difficult. You only earn about 70 playing through normally.
    Far Cry Instincts Predator: Weighted heavily towards multiplayer.
    FIFA 08: For hardcore soccer fans only.
    FIFA Road to the World Cup 2006: Moderately easy achievements, but not worth going through the pain of playing this game.
    Final Fantasy XI: Extremely hard to earn.
    Guitar Hero III: Increased game difficulty mixed with challenging achievements make this one feel like work.
    Hour of Victory: Not worth the headache of playing this horrible game.
    Juiced 2: Online focus kills the easy achievement buzz.
    KUF: Circle off Doom: Bad game. Not worth the suffering.
    Lost Planet: Colonies: Heavily MP focused.
    LotR: Battle for Middle Earth: Challenging and only has 705 pts possible.
    Monster Madness: Difficult game with difficult achievements.
    NASCAR 08: Bad game. Don't bother.
    NBA Ballers: Chosen One: Bad game. Easy 300, though.
    Need for Speed Carbon: Weighted heavily towards online and the single player ones can be tough to get.
    NHL 07: If you’re a hockey fan you’ll happily get them all. Not recommended if you are just looking to boost your gamerscore.
    NHL 08: Too many online achievements and difficult solo tasks.
    Perfect Dark Zero: Heavily weighted towards multiplayer. Game isn’t good enough to want to play 1000 multiplayer matches.
    Pro Evo Soccer 2008: Time consuming.
    Quake 4: Weighted heavily towards multiplayer.
    Ridge Racer 6: Fun game, but the achievements are very hard to get.
    Rumble Roses XX: Achievements take forever to unlock and you’ll get tired of the game quickly.
    Sonic the Hedgehog: Bad game. Not worth the effort.
    Tenchu Z: Bad game. Avoid.
    The Outfit: A good mix of both single and multiplayer achievements. It’ll take you a while to get them all.
    Tony Hawk's Proving Ground: Tony needs a year off. SICK level achievements will frustrate you.
    Turok: Heavily weighted towards Xbox Live. The game stinks.
    Two Worlds: Worst game on Xbox 360.
    UEFA Euro 2008: Time consuming.
    Universe at War: Bad game.
    Virtua Fighter 5: Large time commitment to earn them. Can be difficult.
    World Series of Poker 2007: Some are easy, but many take a long time to earn and you'll likely get bored before you get close.
    Lost Planet: Colonies Ed: Almost all online. Time consuming.
    Prizefighter: Terrible game. Don't bother.
    Facebreaker: Terrible game. Don't bother.
    Beijing 2008: One of the worst 360 games ever. Very difficult.

    Hi vọng danh sách của em sẽ giúp mọi ng nhanh lên gamescore để tăng tính cạnh tranh với nhau [IMG]emoj/fb-big-smile.png[/IMG]

  2. #2
    cstk235 Guest
    Có ý kiến....

    ##Những game tệ nhất để lấy gamescore (những game vừa dở, vừa achievement khó) :

    Trong này có nhiều game hay đấy nhé, không phải game " vừa dở , vừa khó lấy gamescore" . Khó lấy game score thì đúng, chứ dở thì ko dám, như

    Blue Dragon, Lost Planet , Army of 2, Turok v.v... edit lại chính xác đi ku

  3. #3
    guccisino1 Guest
    cái game Ridge Racer 6 công nhận khó lấy gamescore ghê, bắt mình đua thắng mà không có Nitros hỗ trợ :|

  4. #4
    cuongcung Guest
    Trong đám game tệ, cái COD2 thuộc loại dễ lấy achievement đấy (nếu kiên trì đi hết veteran mode là chắc chắn được 1000 pts), so với bản 3, 4, 5 thì dễ nhất rồi và đây là game FPS hay nhất 2005 đó.
    Còn cái Virtua Fighter 5 khó vì phải đi mấy cái quest để lấy achievement (1 quest đánh phải hơn chục trận). Và đây là game fighting rất hay (cá nhân thấy nó hay hơn Tekken và Dead or Alive).

  5. #5
    quanghuyz2007 Guest
    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi uselessboy
    cái game Ridge Racer 6 công nhận khó lấy gamescore ghê, bắt mình đua thắng mà không có Nitros hỗ trợ :|
    Chắc chỉ biết chơi mỗi NFS từ Underground về sau đây mà. Tôi thậm chí rủ thg e họ chơi Most Wanted split-screen còn bảo ko dùng NOS cho sướng.

  6. #6
    thaymatkinhiphone6s Guest
    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi ItsmeAj
    Có ý kiến....

    ##Những game tệ nhất để lấy gamescore (những game vừa dở, vừa achievement khó) :

    Trong này có nhiều game hay đấy nhé, không phải game " vừa dở , vừa khó lấy gamescore" . Khó lấy game score thì đúng, chứ dở thì ko dám, như

    Blue Dragon, Lost Planet , Army of 2, Turok v.v... edit lại chính xác đi ku
    Đã edit bài lại, cám ơn ý kiến của anh [IMG]emoj/fb-big-smile.png[/IMG]
    PS: các game achievement dễ em gỡ xong là đổi ngay chứ để làm gì mà anh mượn [IMG]emoj/fb_wink.png[/IMG])

  7. #7
    RoxieBoyer Guest
    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi ItsmeAj
    Có ý kiến....

    ##Những game tệ nhất để lấy gamescore (những game vừa dở, vừa achievement khó) :

    Trong này có nhiều game hay đấy nhé, không phải game " vừa dở , vừa khó lấy gamescore" . Khó lấy game score thì đúng, chứ dở thì ko dám, như

    Blue Dragon, Lost Planet , Army of 2, Turok v.v... edit lại chính xác đi ku
    Đây là original version (the same) : page 1 , page 2 , page 3
    Nói gì thì nói nhưng cũng nên để reference ^^!

    à có cái game Arcade Dash of destruction đó ... cho down free .. lấy 200G ngon lành trong 15-30 phut

  8. #8
    noithatkienan Guest
    Trích dẫn Gửi bởi BBLZR
    Chắc chỉ biết chơi mỗi NFS từ Underground về sau đây mà. Tôi thậm chí rủ thg e họ chơi Most Wanted split-screen còn bảo ko dùng NOS cho sướng.
    không phải bác à, tui đâu có hâm mộ dòng NFS chỉ mới chơi mỗi bản Carbon thôi, đua Ridger Racer cũng không phải khó nhưng mà bắt thắng 1 vòng hoặc nhiều vòng mà không dùng NOS mới mở được Achivement để tăng gamescore thì tui chịu, lê lết mãi toàn 11,12 giỏi lắm là 6,7/14 =)).

  9. #9
    haqn84 Guest
    gamescore de^? lam` j` va^y no' lien quan j` den thang` tjck' tren djen dan va^y hay la` trong khj chọ online

  10. #10
    Xinhxinhschool101 Guest
    Đề nghị bạn đánh bài có dấu tv hẳn hoi, ko thôi ăn warn bây giờ
    Gamescore chỉ dùng để khoe bạn bè là ta đây "pro", chơi giỏi, gỡ đc nhiều achievement khác nhau thôi [IMG]emoj/fb-big-smile.png[/IMG]

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